At Tae & Aka

We offer a comprehensive range of premium ship stores, we ensure that we consistently deliver best-in-class services which meet the quality standards and expectations of our clients. Prompt service and competitive price is our hallmark. Aside having tight control over quality, the freshness of our provision products makes them a customer’s delight. All products are thoroughly checked for quality and hygiene before they are delivered.
We understand the industry’s values and principals like no other supplier and aim to associate our brand name with your vessel requirements. We focus on creating stable synergies with our partners positioned at strategic trading ports in order to supply your vessels.

Our Philosophy


At TAE AND AKA LIMITED we are devoted to maintaining our excellence in service delivery by focusing on the following:
  • To provide a decent and safe environment to enhancemaximum productivity
  • Tailoring our services to meet our clients’ needs
  • To sustain a robust delivery system with best quality
  • To constantly achieve operational excellence
  • To continue to invest in the development of our personnel to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.


To be Africa’s leading Ship Chandler in the Oil & Gas and Marine   Industries, completely driven by innovation, efficiency and regulation.


The provision of efficient, quality and satisfactory services to ourclients.


Our strategy is simply to:


  • The Integration of innovative systems to enhance productivity in our service.
  • Concentrate on client satisfaction
  • To maintain our efficient formidable workforce.

how we operate

Cost Effective

Available 24 hours

Professional & Reliable Service

Immediate Response

Flexible payment term

we are known for making our client's life at sea better